
Eduardo Patto Kanegae lists at WEBMAPIT.COM.BR
Sat Sep 18 18:35:33 PDT 2004

Hi folks,

sorry this little off-topic question...

everybody knows benefits a WMS/WFS connection could provide to users, but I wanted to know if technologies such as a WMS( a remote data publication service ) connection is also available for other kind of scenarios: I mean, which technologies are available( and good!) today for creation tabular data publication service... my customer wants to connect his worksheet program directly to a given website and then see his tabular data pasted into a worksheet... using this tabular data could be use on web or using a client application.

Eduardo Patto Kanegae
UIN: 303747254

Treinamento em UMN MapServer - http://www.webmapit.com.br/ptbr/?menuoption=mapserver
Fórum MapServer Brasil - http://mapserver.cttmar.univali.br/forum

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