Syntax for Intersect filter

Berend Veldkamp berend.veldkamp at ARIS.NL
Mon Sep 20 08:14:08 EDT 2004

Surely there must be someone who can help me out? I've read the OpenGis
specifications on gml and I studied the relevant source code, but I can't
get any intersect filter to work.
Here's what I have in my sld now:

<StyledLayerDescriptor version='1 0 0'>
              <Polygon srsName="EPSG:28992">
                    <coordinates>150000,400000 180000,400000

                  <CssParameter name="fill">#0000ff</CssParameter>

But when I call mapserver, all I get is an empty image.
when I leave out the filter part from the sld it works, so there must be
something wrong there.
I'm not entirely sure about <PropertyName>, does it make any difference what
I put in there?

Thanks in advance, Berend

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