PHP-Mapscript question

Ace Suares ace at SUARES.NL
Tue Sep 21 18:24:26 EDT 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 20 September 2004 15:47, Ace Suares wrote:
> Dear people,
> Mapserver is a great toy. Iit's the first time I am doing GIS in a
> project and after looking around for quite some while, I decided to try
> mapserver.
> But I've got some troubles, of course.
> I am using php-mapscript (I hope this is the right list ?)
> and I would like to use a basic mapfile and then add dynamic data to
> it.
> In this instance I have a shapefile with 483 cities, but the .dbf file
> only has their name and number of inhabitants. Now I'd like to add a
> score to it, which I retrieve live from a mysql database. The score can
> be 1-7, depending on some questionaires that citizens filled in. Goal
> is to color the cities different according to their score.
> I tried modifying the 'values' from the shapeObj(ects) but these are
> readonly. I do *not* want to wrtie a .dbf file with the dynamic data to
> disk, not do I want to use Postgress or Oracle or wait for mysql
> spatial extentions.
> Anyone can point me in the right direction !?
> Grateful, as always,
> Ace

Anyone !?


- -- 
It's not possible to treat coherently that which is incoherent.
        - Date's Incoherence Principle

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