MySQL or Oracle queries...

William Bulley web at UMICH.EDU
Wed Sep 22 13:14:52 PDT 2004

I am new to MapServer so please bear with me...

The main MapServer home page makes reference to a feature
of MapServer that would allow queries to a database like
MySQL or Oracle no doubt through Perl's DBI module.

My interest is not obtaining points to plot from a table
in a database, but rather tabular or scalar information
about a map feature (height of a building, address of a
store, etc.) that might be selected by a MapServer user.

I am no where near being able to attempt this at my level
of MapServer knowledge today, but if it is possible to do
this, could someone point me to a chunk of documentation
or a WWW page for more information?

I assume that something like this would need to be done
using MapScript (Perl?) if at all.



William Bulley                     Email: web at

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