Blank picture problem

David Fawcett David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US
Thu Sep 23 09:43:01 EDT 2004


It is hard to diagnose the problem without seeing the text of your map file.  The more information that you provide, the easier it is for people on the list to help you out.  

My guess is that you added your own data, but didn't adjust the EXTENT in your Map file to match the extent of your data.  


David J. Fawcett
MN Office of Environmental Assistance

>>> Pablo Toapanta <pablorv at> 9/23/2004 8:19:01 AM >>>

I have a problem with MapServer. I´ve installed
Mapserver 4.2 and the example to verify the
installation. Everything is ok, MapServer runs and the
example too, but when I try to do a simple example
with my own shape files, the example shows a blank
picture. Could anybody help me with this??

I´m working with Windows XP SP1.


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