Change projection on zoom

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at CCGIS.DE
Fri Sep 24 09:13:58 PDT 2004

do you use WMS? If you do you can use the Mapbender framework to do all
kinds a strange things. Check out
there is a link to the "interoperability testbed". It contains a
selection box for reprojecting. This change could also be done
automatically when going below a certain scale threshold. MB is
implemented in PHP and JavaScript.
Notice that the Demis server only serves 4326 while the overlay UMN
MapServer can reproject the 4326 symbols (ms users in Germany) to any
srs listed in PROJ4 (only a few in the select box).

Best regards,

Skweda O'Bomsawin wrote:

>Hi list!
>I need some ideas about how to change the projection dynamically while
>zooming.  Since my representation is very large, I need to display it in
>Lambert projection.  But when I zoom in the map, I want to change the
>projection dynamically to UTM depending of the position in the map (my map
>covers 14 UTM zones).
>I currently use Mapserver CGI with a DHTML interface but I'm open to any
>Skweda O'Bomsawin
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