PhpMapscript says ms_png not defined

John Kim jkim at SCIENCES.SDSU.EDU
Fri Sep 24 17:12:21 PDT 2004


I just installed PHPMapScript and tried running a simple PHP script with a
test map, and the resulting html says, "use of undefined constant MS_PNG".
Where should this have been defined? (I had a similar problem when I tried
the GMap demo, except it said MS_GIF was undefined.)

Here's my PHP code:
  $map = ms_newMapObj("");
  print $map->numlayers;    // this line prints 4
  $img = $map->draw();
  $url = $img->saveWebImage(MS_PNG, 0, 0, 0);

I'm using  Mapserver 4.2.3,  PHP 4.3.9,  PHP Mapscript 4.2,  and Apache 2.0
on Windows 2000. Did I not configure something right?


John Kim

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