Projections and WMS servers

Nico Alberti nico.alberti at GMAIL.COM
Tue Sep 28 06:56:31 PDT 2004

Hi everybody.

I was happily working on a Mapserver project using only my shapefiles
and raster images when I started playing with
WMS server. According to the documentation (and what I am seeing on my
screen :-) ) there is a severe projection mismatch. I am only the
computer guy, so I have no great knowledge of this topic.
All I know is that my shape files are in Gauss-Boaga's (Monte
Mario/Italy Zone 1) projection, so in my map file I put:

    "proj=tmerc "
    "lat_0=18.833333333 "
    "lon_0=-155.500000000 "
    "k=0.999967 "
    "x_0=152400.305 "
    "y_0=0.000 "
    "ellps=clrk66 "
    "to_meter=0.3048006096 "

According to Proj config files this should be also known as epsg:26591
The problem is that I don't know if I can even use the esrin WMS
server, as in its capability this projection is not listed.

So the question is lame: can I make it work (possibly in a simple
manner) or am I completely stuck? Being a test I would be happy if
someone could point me to some other WMS server that can be used
together with my data

Thank you in advance; as you can imagine Cartography is not exactly my field :-)

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