WMS_client image format problems

K. Lessing umn at KARSTEN-LESSING.DE
Wed Sep 29 07:52:57 PDT 2004

Hi Arnulf,

sorry for this late response and many thanx for your hints.
I talked to delphi-IMM and point their attention on the problem you´ve
To test my own WMS Client capabilities I used some layers from the
ww.demis.nl server.
Then everything worked fine.
regards Karsten

Arnulf Christl schrieb:

> K. Lessing wrote:
>> Hi Arnulf,
>> thanx for your answer.
>> If you try this:
>> http://www.geoway.de/cgi-bin/mapserv3.cgi?MAP=/home/geoway/geoway.map&VERSION=1.1.0&REQUEST=GetCapabilities
>> the Server answers with an xml file:
>> Unfortunatelly I could not find any helpful information in this xml
>> file!
> That is the problem. In the capabilities Online Resource you find the IP
> number that doesn't work, so once the capabilites have been interpreted
> correctly the client will query for the IP which does not work.
> As a workaround you could save the XML as a local file, change the IP to
> the above given URL, and try agin, maybe then it will work. The
> capabilities should be corrected anyway.
> Regards, Arnulf.

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