SWIG Mapscript

Ryan, Adam ARyan at CO.LINN.OR.US
Thu Sep 30 08:57:30 PDT 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sean Gillies [mailto:sgillies at frii.com]
> Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 7:45 AM
> To: Ryan, Adam
> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] SWIG Mapscript
> On Sep 29, 2004, at 2:37 PM, Ryan, Adam wrote:
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Sean Gillies [mailto:sgillies at FRII.COM]
> >> Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 12:19 PM
> >> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] SWIG Mapscript
> >>
> >>
> >>> On Sep 29, 2004, at 12:54 PM, Ryan, Adam wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Mapservers,
> >>>>
> >>>> Two methods I use in php mapscript don't seem to be in the SWIG
> >>>> version.
> >>>>
> >>>> Layer->queryByIndex - this is non-critical since I can use
> >>>> queryByAttribute
> >>>> with an FID
> >>>>
> >>>> Map->loadQuery - this is critical.  There is a saveQuery
> >> method, but
> >>>> no
> >>>> loadQuery?
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks for any insight.
> >>>>
> >>>> Adam
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> Sorry, meant to say that I've *never* used the PHP mapscript and
> >> don't understand the use for saving and loading queries.
> >>
> >> Sean
> >>
> >
> > Hey, thanks for the reply.
> >
> > Am I the only one using saveQuery?  I think saveQuery and loadQuery
> > are terrific methods.  They generate/read small files of
> shape index
> > values - similar, to a bitmap in Avenue I think.  By
> loading a saved
> > query, I can
> > return a layer to a previous query 'state', for lack of a
> better word
> > (resultCacheObj state?).  This is extremely useful.
> >
> > Building shapefiles does not allow for dynamic queries
> using AND, OR,
> > or XOR
> > with previous queries, and it's too slow.  The layer index
> problem is
> > easily
> > handled by changing the layer index value in the saved query file
> > itself
> > prior to loading.  As long as only one layer is queried at
> a time, this
> > works well.
> >
> > I'm trying to re-write an application using Python and without this
> > functionality it's a no go.  I can't even emulate a
> saveQuery because
> > there is no queryByIndex method, and even if there was, stepping
> > through a list of
> > indexes and calling queryByIndex is MUCH slower than the loadQuery
> > method.
> >
> > I'm at a loss.
> >
> > Adam
> >
> Adam,
> Thanks for the explanation.  I am not against implementing the PHP
> savequery
> and loadquery, although I do question why these methods write
> and read
> from
> the filesystem when your logical combination needs to be done
> in memory.
> Meanwhile, for 4.2, I have an idea.  Instead of manipulating
> the layer's resultcache in place, create Python sets of query
> results and do your
> logical
> operations on them.  For example::
>      import sets
>      ...
>      layer.query1()  # assume success
>      qset1 = sets.Set()
>      for i in range(layer.getNumResults()):
>          result = layer.getResult(i)
>          result_tuple = (result.shapeindex, result.tileindex,
> result.classindex)
>          qset1.add(result_tuple)
>      layer.query2()  # assume success
>      qset2 = sets.Set()
>      for i in range(layer.getNumResults()):
>          result = layer.getResult(i)
>          result_tuple = (result.shapeindex, result.tileindex,
> result.classindex)
>          qset2.add(result_tuple)
>      # Union
>      qunion = qset1.union(qset2)
>      # Intersection
>      qintersection = qset2.intersection(qset1)
>      # Get shapes from the intersection
>      for member in qintersection:
>          layer.getShape(member[0], member[1])
>          ...
> Sets are a first class type in the upcoming Python 2.4, well
> worth learning.
> cheers,
> Sean
> --
> Sean Gillies
> sgillies at frii dot com
> http://users.frii.com/sgillies


Thanks for the reply.  Your solution is what I've essentially been doing for
a while now in PHP.  But this sort of thing is MUCH more useful when you are
able to do a saveQuery.  For example:

1.)  User searches by Attributes: [NAME] = 'Smith'.  Query1.qy is saved and
the file name is passed to the user along with a map showing all highlighted

2.)  User clicks the "AND" selection method and draws a box on the map.  The
box extent and the query file name are passed back.  I do a queryByRect on
the layer using the box to get result set1.  I load in the old query (set2).
I check the selection method and perform the relate (AND,OR,XOR) and produce
set3 (JUST AS YOU HAVE DESCRIBED ABOVE).  I save this as query2.qy, load it
into the mapb object, drawQuery and spit back results.  Now only those
features with Name = Smith AND inside the box are displayed.

3.)  User searches by Attributes: [YEARBUILT] < 1970 with selection method
again set to AND which will further narrow the selection...

...and this can go on and on indefinitely.  This is the only way to do
multiple and successive spatial and attribute queries in order to refine a
selection set.


And here's why my interface wouldn't work with your solution above:

1.)  Iterating through large selection sets using mapscript to build an
array, or set, or whatever is too slow.  I know this to be true in PHP after
doing a number of tests, and I can't say for sure in Python, but I suspect
so.  It is MUCH faster to do map.saveQuery to a file, and then write a
little routine to read the binary file into an array.  This seemed
counter-intuitive to me, but I ran a bunch of tests and that's what I found.
Much faster!

2.)  At the end of your solution you have an array of indexes but nothing to
do with them but get the shape.  What are you going to do with the shapes,
draw each one?  That's way to slow.  What you need is a way to define the
resultCache with your array, but queryByIndex is not implemented.  And, as I
said before, even if it was implemented, iterating though a large set and
using queryByIndex on each index is WAY TO SLOW!  It is MUCH faster to dump
that new set to a file and do a map.loadQuery.

And if you build shapefiles (or entirely new files in whatever format you
prefer), as Lowell has suggested, you loose the initial indexing of the
original file and are no longer able to do successive spatial and attribute
queries.  You could use a FID attribute, but then you'd be back to iterating
through a bunch of queryByAttributes...ugggh!

Please let me know what you think about this.

I don't know C, I'm on Windows, and I don't even compile my own mapscript so
I'm really just using the software and not contributing to it's development.
In light of that, if there is any way I can help with this, I am more than
willing to put in the time.  Let me know.

Best regards,


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