Unexpected WFS GetFeature results
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA
Wed Apr 6 06:12:33 PDT 2005
(MapServer CVS, FC2, latest stable supporting libs).
I have a WFS instance running against a PostGIS table, and when I invoke
a Filter'd GetFeature operation (bbox AND a nested OR), I expect one
result to be returned (only one record in the DB satisfies this
I've attached a sample HTML form page to correctly invoke the request.
However, I receive all records back in the DB.
Any idea what's going on here? FYI, here's my DATA string in the LAYER
DATA "the_geom from (select service_endpoints.organization as
organization,service_endpoints.endpoint_getresource as
endpoint_getresource,service_endpoints.service_type as
service_type,service_endpoints.service_version as
service_version,service_resources.the_geom as
the_geom,service_resources.resource_id as
resource_id,service_resources.service_id as
service_id,service_resources.name as name,service_resources.title as
title,service_resources.abstract as abstract,service_resources.keywords
as keywords,service_resources.dataurl as
dataurl,service_resources.metadataurl as
metadataurl,service_resources.legendurl as
legendurl,service_resources.scale_min as
as scale_max,service_resources.srs as srs,service_endpoints.format_list
as format_list,service_resources.style_list as
style_list,service_resources.time_extent as
time_extent,service_resources.queryable as queryable from
service_resources inner join service_endpoints on
service_endpoints.service_id = service_resources.service_id) as t using
unique resource_id"
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