exception mime format in GetMap request

Nuno Gil nunoragil at GMAIL.COM
Wed Apr 6 08:16:48 PDT 2005

Dear Listers,

I'm trying to access a layer being served as a cascaded data source
through my MapServer.

Well, no image is displayed. Here is the problem...
I request that layer from MapServer using the parameter
"exceptions=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml" (the one that should be
supported by all servers, accordingly to OGC specs, and the only one
supported by the original server where the data is locally stored),
however MapServer sends a GetMap request to the original server using
the parameter "exceptions=application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage" (an
optionally supported MIME type accordingly to OGC specs).

Is there any way around this?
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Regards and thanks for your help,

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