PHPMapscript CGI =>trouble

wannes Van der Gucht wannes.vandergucht at UGENT.BE
Wed Apr 6 16:07:09 PDT 2005


I'm new to mapserver and not familiar with terminal(and compiling). I
installed PHP4 on apache2 with a package (serverlogistics) on my Mac (OSX
10.3.8). The package installs PHP as a module, so I installed a PHP
executable in the  cgi-bin directory and followed the instructions in
MapserverWiki:PHPMapScriptCGI. Normally any script with the .phtml extension
in the /htdocs/MSrecipes directory will execute as a CGI, but this doesn't

If I browse to:


I only get the following error:

The requested URL /cgi/php/MSrecipes/hello.phtml was not found on this server.

Is something wrong with my PHP CGI or my httpd.conf file. I strictly
followed the instructions.

Any ideas what the problem might be?


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