Multiple attribute query with a regular expression.

Ryan, Adam ARyan at CO.LINN.OR.US
Thu Apr 7 13:27:01 PDT 2005


Are you using =~ when using regular expressions?  Also, try using an
uppercase OR.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erv McNally [mailto:erv.mcnally at GMAIL.COM]
> Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 1:13 PM
> Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Multiple attribute query with
> a regular expression.
> I currently can use PHP mapscript to query multiple
> attributes using queryByAttributes($qitem,$qstring,MS_MULTIPLE);
> $qitem='att1'
> $qstring=('[att1]'='test' or '[att1]' = 'test2' and '[att3]'='test3')
> I also can use a regular expression to query on a single
> attribute by setting the $qitem='att1' $qstring='/^[Tt].*/'
> to search for all records with att1 that starts with a T or t.
> The problem is that I can't seem to find any way to query on
> different attributes while using a regular expression as
> follows. $qitem='att1' $qstring=('[att1]' = '/^[Tt].*/' or
> '[att2]'='test2')
> I have not been able to make the above work by using any of
> the following and many other combinations. $qstring=('[att1]'
> = /^[Tt].*/ or '[att2]'='test2')  with error
> msDBFGetItemIndex(): Item 'Tt' not found. $qstring=('[att1]'
> = '/^[Tt].*/' or '[att2]'='test2')  with error
> msDBFGetItemIndex(): Item 'Tt' not found. $qstring=('[att1]'
> = '/^[Tt].*/')  with error msDBFGetItemIndex(): Item 'Tt' not
> found. $qstring=('[name]' = /^T.*/)  with error
> msEvalExpression: Failed to parse expression
>  msyyparse(): syntax error.
> The last one seems like the expression is trying to be parsed.
> This wouldn't be necessary if there was a way to intersect
> querys or to do a sub query on results from a prior query.  I
> know that you can add features by using querybyIndex, but
> that would be a union and I am interested in the
> intersection.  Any information or insights would be greatly
> appreciated.

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