gdal with mrSid compile howto

joerg pfeiffer superbla3000 at GMX.NET
Fri Apr 8 13:32:23 PDT 2005


unfortunately I can't find the mrSid sdk for (suse) Linux.
Does somebody have a link?


Benjamin Thelen schrieb:
> joerg pfeiffer wrote:
>> hello,
>> I think now is the moment, I have to compile gdal with mrSid support and
>> then mapserver on top.
>> Is there a good howto?
>> Joerg
> Use the latest gdal 1.2.6 or at least 1.2.5. Compile gdal with
> "./configure --with-mrsid=/path/to/mrsid/sdk".
> MapServer requires --with-gdal --with-ogr. But I would do that in any
> case, anyway.
> That's all.
> Ben

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