Install/Config Problems
Giridhar Manepalli
gmanepal at GMAIL.COM
Sun Apr 10 22:08:31 PDT 2005
Just to keep this thread resourceful for later:
I compiled php without GD. I also used the regex from php sources.
Debugging that only helped me learn that, it went onto some infinite
loop, I specifically did not observe any library miss-calls!
On Apr 10, 2005 8:05 PM, Morten Hulden <morten at> wrote:
> Giridhar Manepalli wrote:
> > I was successful in installing Mapserver with php mapscript on Fedora Core 2.
> > Php version 4.3.10
> >
> > If anyone need any help regarding this configuration, I can help. I
> > guess, there is something with Fedora Core 3 that developers of
> > Mapserver need to look at!
> I do not see this a FC3 specific problem, I think it happens whenever
> PHP is compiled with the bundled GD library. The php_ prefix to GD
> function names was introduced to the bundled GD package in PHP last
> summer in order to prevent name space conflicts with other apache
> modules that use GD, such as perl.
> Now if PHP uses the bundled GD, mapserver 4.4.1 will still compile if I
> point to external GD libs, but compilation of PHP_mapscript will fail.
> On the other hand, if I try to trick mapscript to compile against PHP's
> bundled GD then I get segfault at mapscript dl-time.
> Could something similar to --with-php-regex-dir in mapserver configure
> scripts solve this?
> Of course recompiling PHP with external GD is an option, but then I am
> out out sync with FC3 update packages, which means increased maintenance
> burden.
> > On Apr 9, 2005 9:21 PM, Morten Hulden <morten at> wrote:
> >
> >>Giridhar Manepalli wrote:
> >>
> >>>Currently, I am trying to install on Fedora Core 3, with php-4.3.11. > I built it as a DSO similar to the working model.
> >>
> >>If you get mapscript 4.4.1 to work on plain Fedora Core 3 I am
> >>interested to know how you get around the fact that FC3 comes with a PHP
> >>that has a bundled GD version where function names have a php_ prefix
> >>that mapscript will not recognize.
> >>
> >>Even if compile succeeds after some tricks, dl() segfaults because of
> >>undefined symbols.
> >>
> >>Recompiling PHP to use external GD seemed to be the only option last I
> >>tried, but that was a while ago...
> >>
> >>rgds
> >>
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