I can't see my maps

Ferencik Ioan ferencik.ioan at PERSONAL.RO
Sun Apr 10 22:51:18 PDT 2005

Maybe you have same problem like I had ..You did not configured correctly the
IMAGEPATH and IMAGEURL propertirs of the WEB object.  If you see a blank square
instead the map you expected check those properties....

> Can anyone help me?  I have Apache, PHP, MySQL setup on my local server and
> have been trying to add in MapServer.  I have installed and configured all
> the elements and have been working with the Itasca demo workshop.
> So far I can get the webpage working but there is no map in the map frame.
> The map is there and the Index.html points to its directory, so why can't it
> find the map?
> I'd appreciate any help with this.  I'm a total newbie to MapServer, etc.

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