- Speed

Gregor Mosheh stigmata_blackangel at YAHOO.COM
Mon Apr 11 16:24:13 PDT 2005

--- "Shanton, James A" <James.Shanton2 at NSCORP.COM>
> Is there anyway to speed this system up like
>  ?  I'm having
> speed issues displaying my database layers.

I presume you mean PostGIS tables. For starters, make
sure you have the appropriate indexes created on your
PostGIS table. There are basicallly three indexes to

- an index on the oid column. this is used internally
by MapServer and PostGIS and makes a HUGE difference.

- a GIST index on the geometry column (probably called
the_geom) is obviously useful, and makes a huge

- if your layer uses a FILTER to select only certain
records, make sure those columns have indexes

I hope that helps.

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