Mapserver for Windows 2003 + FCGI + SDE

Mark Leslie mark at REFRACTIONS.NET
Tue Apr 12 09:15:54 PDT 2005

I'm having trouble building mapserver on a Windows 2003 server with
ArcSDE and fastcgi support. I can compile it, and it runs for a while,
but I eventually get memory faults in msvcrt.dll and libfcgi.dll. I have
tryed this with Mapservers 4.4, 4.4.1 and now 4.4.2. I've compiled using
both vc6 and vc7. Two things that may be relevent: I'm using the
precompiled gd binaries; the error stack does not seem to be clearing
between requests. I was under the impression that the error stack issue
had been taken care of around the 4.4 release. This build has worked
fine before on Win2000. If anyone has had similar problems, or has any
ideas, I would appreciate it.

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