fastcgi, lacking performance over standard cgi

Gregor Mosheh stigmata_blackangel at YAHOO.COM
Wed Apr 13 13:54:08 EDT 2005

--- Frank Warmerdam <fwarmerdam at> wrote:
> I would add that to convince MapServer to "hold
> open" a database connection you need to tell it to
> do so.

Nice. That did the trick. Thank you, Frank.

For most of the map, the speedup is modest but
measurable. For one particular view, though, it
reduces the generation time from 15 seconds to <5
seconds. Mileage varies.

What is the algorithm for keeping those DB connections
persistent? Do they get closed automatically after a
set period or number of connections? Do I need to
worry about maxing out my DB's allowed connections?

Say, the documentation on the PROCESSING keyword is
rather sparse. What exactly does the
CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER flag do in a non-fcgi
environment? Does the data source stay open until the
end of the mapserv.cgi execution, and save the
overhead of opening/closing a data source that would
be used in multiple layers?

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