SUM: Problems w/ C#

Ian Erickson ierickson at ANALYGIS.COM
Thu Apr 14 18:19:12 PDT 2005

I wanted to thank everyone who made suggestions for the MapScript C#
questions I had.  The answer was actually a combination of issues:

1)  I compiled the base MapServer (and dependent libraries) on a VC.NET
installation - not VC6.  That was mistake #1.  I have now recompiled on
a VC6 installation.
2)  I compiled all dependent modules with the /MT flag not /MD as is the
default with the win32 makefiles.
3)  I made sure to include the -DUSE_THREADS option as part OPTFLAGS
when compiling MapServer.

So far, the wrapper is working flawlessly (excuse me while I knock on
the nearest wood surface).  Thanks again to those who pointed me in the
right direction!

Ian Erickson

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