Find a line(road) ...
Stephen Woodbridge
Thu Apr 14 21:29:55 PDT 2005
Probably would be a good idea to post your mapfile. Have you set a
TOLERANCE for the query? What?
Paul james wrote:
> Thx for the help...
> So, I have two layers: a point layer and a line layer - citys and roads...
> I selected a point and did:
> $point = ms_newpointObj();
> $point->setXY($x,$y);
> $layer = $map->getLayerByName('LINE');
> if($layer1->queryBypoint($point,MS_SINGLE,-1) == MS_SUCCESS)
> echo "Success : $buffer";
> but It always fail ... I have sure that the line through the
> point... And my layers have a Template tag...
> any idea?
> On 4/14/05, Bart van den Eijnden <bartvde at> wrote:
>>int queryByPoint(pointObj point, int mode, double buffer)
>>Best regards,
>>On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 16:58:07 -0300, Paul james <pauljame at GMAIL.COM> wrote:
>>>Thank you... but...
>>>What kind of query??
>>>Do you have any sample?
>>>ps.: im using php mapscript
>>>On 4/14/05, Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at> wrote:
>>>>Paul james wrote:
>>>>>How can I find the line(road) through the point X ?
>>>>In mapserver you would want to do a Query. You can also specify the
>>>>tolerance to select lines withing the bounding box about X +- tolerance.
>>>>I think there is an example of this in the mapserver demo.
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