Ubuntu GIS

Paul Scott pscott at UWC.AC.ZA
Wed Apr 20 02:55:20 EDT 2005

Hi all,

I have begun preparing (with help from Perry Nacionales) an Ubuntu
GNU/Linux distribution that will be set up for a GIS desktop/test

The initial audience for the distribution will be in the form of a
liveCD/DVD for school learners to get exposure to OSS GIS, as well as an
introduction to linux. However, I forsee that anyone remotely interested
in GIS could download and try it out, from GIS pro's to casual

The initial release will contain the following packages:

Apache 2.0.53
FastCGI 2.4.0
Proj 4.4.9
GEOS 2.1.1
Xerces-C 2.6.0
FFTW 2.1.5
PostgreSQL 8.0.1
PostGIS 1.0rc5
GDAL/OGR 1.2.6
Quantum GIS 0.6
PDFLib 5.0.4p1
PHP 4.3.10
MapServer 4.4.1 (with PHP/MapScript)
MapServer 4.5 CVS (with PHP/MapScript)

The project will be hosted on AVOIR http://avoir.uwc.ac.za , where I
have created a project for it. I will start working on the distro iso's

If anyone is interested in joining this project as a
maintainer/developer/tester etc please register on avoir and send me
your username so that I can add you to the project.

This project will require quite a substantial amount of maintenance, so
any help and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.



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