WCS no image as yet!

Gail Millin Gail.Millin at MANCHESTER.AC.UK
Thu Apr 21 07:28:42 EDT 2005

Dear MapServer Users,

I am trying to get the WCS working and have managed so far to produce a
GETCAPABILITIES Request for WCS (see url)


I am now trying to figure out how to get the GetCoverage request to work,


So far I get a message saying CGI ERROR 'The specified CGI application
misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers'

 - Does anyone know what is wrong? What format does the raster data need to
be in for WCS to work? At the moment the raster imagery is in ER Mapper ECW
format, this is the same format I used for WMS which works fine.

 - Also do I need to change/add something to the MapServer configuration in
some way to resolve the CGI error

WCS is new to me so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards


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