Mapserver crash with gd and antialiasing?

Justin Schoeman justin at EXPERTRON.CO.ZA
Thu Apr 21 06:24:42 PDT 2005

Hi everybody,

I am trying to use mapserver to render maps.  The basic rendering works
great, but antialiasing is giving me a lot of trouble.

After finally figuring out to use TrueColour visuals (RGB instead of PC256)
for PNG output in libgd (libgd 2.0.33), antialiasing started working _but_...

Some lines cause mapserv (cgi interface) to die (probably a segfault, only
'Premature end of script headers: /var/www/cgi-bin/mapserv' gets logged).  I
have experienced this with CARTOLINE and ELIPSE styles.  Without
antialiasing everything works fine.  With antialiasing it sometimes just dies...

I am not sure exactly what lines trigger the problem though.  I know that
enabling antialiasing on some layers will cause mapserver to die at some
scale factors... If anybody has any ideas on how to track further, please
let me know ;-).

This problem has been verified on mapserver version 4.4.1 and 4.4.2.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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