How can I smoothen the (GIF)-output of the mapserver

Camden Daily cdaily at GMAIL.COM
Mon Apr 25 08:04:53 PDT 2005

I believe what you're looking for is antialiasing, in order to make
things like lines less pixelated.  Antialiasing is available for text
and a few of the symbol types, but I had more luck taking the advise
of some on the listserve and using php/mapscript to actually draw the
maps at a larger scale and then letting php resample the image down to
the final size, antialiasing in the process.

If you're interested in some of the details for that method, let me
know and I'll post some stuff.

-Camden Daily
Prudential Preferred Properties

On 4/25/05, Wolfgang Qual <Wolfgang.Qual at> wrote:
> Hello list,
> When I create a mapserver-map, I sometimes have the impression that the
> maps look quite square-edged. Especially, if the color contrast of
> certain themes is high (b/w.). That's the reason why I am looking for a
> way to smoothen the output-GIFs of the mapserver - just something like
> the blur-filtering in Photoshop or GIMP...
> Thanks,
> Wolfgang

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