Displaying selected zip code area based on selection

Arunoday Chatterjee arunoday_chatterjee at REDIFFMAIL.COM
Mon Apr 25 15:16:18 PDT 2005

I'd like to offer user a selction of zipcode (using a select box) and when
the user selects one i'd like the map to move to the location of the zip
code and display the same on the map. Basically plot user selection on the
map or to put it move the map to the location user has selcted from an
option on the select box.

How do i achieve this, i've got the latitude and longitude of the zip code
but how do i zoom to that location based on the selection.

Do i need any more data or lat long will suffice.

Any help. If some code snippet in PHP Mapscript is provided that'd be real


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