HPGN Datum? (fwd)

Didrik Pinte dpinte at ITAE.BE
Mon Apr 25 23:22:48 PDT 2005

Le lundi 25 avril 2005 à 23:00 -0400, Frank Warmerdam a écrit :
> In any event, if you error is on the order of 100m then the
> problem is likely not the false northing being off by 350000
> (meters or feet).  That level of error is mostly likely related to
> the datum shifting not being applied or possibly a mixup between
> different kinds of feet.   I am doubtful it is related to HPGN since
> my understanding is that the difference between NAD83 and HPGN
> is small (less than 5 meters say), though I am not too sure about that
> part. 

I did not follow all the thread but it seems I have the same problem

I have a layer with rasters in epsg:27572 (France NTF II) and some GPS
points in WGS84. The error in reprojection of the points to epsg:27572
is less than 100 meters. 

I really don't know how to solve this but there must be a solution.

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