HPGN Datum? (fwd)

Didrik Pinte dpinte at ITAE.BE
Tue Apr 26 05:04:09 PDT 2005

Le mardi 26 avril 2005 à 02:20 -0700, Dean C. Mikkelsen a écrit :
> Hi Didrik,
> I would say change the two parallels for the latitudes for NTF II,
> remove +lon_0 since we've set Paris as the PM, and then keep everything
> else the same.
> Dean


I've tested the following :
- removed +long_0
- changed +lat_1 and +lat_2 to the values (taking the lattitudes from
"Parrallèles automécoiques" on the table of your previous e-mail)

That gives the same error, 15 meters on the right of the original


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