Shift of the map if the equirectangular projection is used

Tue Apr 26 11:47:32 EDT 2005

If I draw the map in the equirectangular projection with Perl, the map
shifts for about 10 minutes to the north.

If  I  set  the  projection  in  a cgi-script, everything is displayed
correctly.  To  draw  the  same  map  with  the  Perl  API, I use this


 Then I calculate extent with the command "proj":

 proj +proj=eqc +lat_ts=63.495 +lon_0=46.165 <<EOF

 > 40.5     60.41
 > 51.83   66.58

 And get:

 -281432.71     6724810.44
  281432.71     7411651.70

 Set extent in my program:


In  the  result,  I get the map shifted exactly to the north, with the
extent of latitude about from 60,6 to 66,8 instead of 60,41 and 66,58.
The extent of longitude is correct.

What  is  the  cause  of this error? Can I set the projection in Perl,
without setting the extent?

Hope for Your help. Best regards,
Efremov Victor, Space Monitoring Information Support laboratory IKI RAN, Moscow, Russia.
mailto:caveeagle at

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