tiling shape files, or shptree

Tim Tsai ttsai at POBOX.COM
Wed Apr 27 02:43:35 PDT 2005

On Tue, Apr 26, 2005 at 01:38:19PM -0700, Schuyler Erle wrote:
> You want Steve Woodbridge's shp2tile. Use the quadtree mode, works
> great.
>     http://swoodbridge.com/tools/
> Then use ogrtindex to generate a tile index for MapServer. Running
> shptree on both the tiles and the index can't hurt.

  Is there a significant performance difference between using
shptree/tileindex and shp2tile/tile2index?  Since shptree already uses
quadtrees, I imagine the main performance difference is to minimize
seeks on the data?



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