
Jeff McKenna jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Tue Aug 2 06:02:44 PDT 2005

Hi Robert,

I guess I don't understand your question.  MS4W contains MapServer in 
CGI form, as well as PHP/MapScript.  When you say you are using MapLab 
and Chameleon, that means you are running MapServer in the background 
(MapLab and Chameleon use MapServer through PHP/MapScript to produce map 

Here is a link to a tutorial on getting started with MapServer:


Robert Nowak wrote:
> I instaled MS4W and got Maplab and Chameleon working. But How can I get
> mapserver running, I went through many tutorials and instructions, and did
> not find any thing on this subject.

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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