Postgis table vs. Tileindexed shapefile

Giorgio Plazzotta giorgio.plazzotta at SARASRICERCHE.IT
Wed Aug 3 00:35:44 PDT 2005

MAPSERVER-USERS Digest - 1 Aug 2005 to 2 Aug 2005 (#2005-221)Hi all.
I started to build my Mapserver Mapfile data using shapefiles and now I am moving all the vector layers into Postgis. I wonder what to do with tileindexed data. 
Tileindexing improved the performance vs. the huge vector shapefile but how is the comparison with the PostGis table? I suppose that the tileindexed shapefile should still be faster than the gist indexed large Postgis table, but i could be wrong. From an organizative point of view I would prefer to have all the vector data into Postgis but I would accept to pay too much in performance. Did anybody already do such a benchmark?

ps: Before inquiring the Mapserver list i tried to sumbit this question to the Postgis list with no feedback. 
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