SRS in OGC Viewer ok, but not in Mapbender!?

Bart van den Eijnden BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL
Mon Aug 8 06:01:10 PDT 2005


1st problem is not a problem, Mapserver adds a group item which holds all your layers. This allows a WMS client to ask for all your layers at once, without specifying all the names.

2nd problem, can you try the following METADATA at the WEB and LAYER level:

"WMS_SRS"    "EPSG:31287 EPSG:4326"

Best regards,

Bart van den Eijnden
Syncera IT Solutions
Postbus 270
2600 AG  DELFT 015-7512436
email: BEN at

>>> "Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT)"              <leopold.schefcik at MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT> 08/08/05 01:58pm >>>

hi list,

1st problem:
I have a GetCapability Request for my map project with one single layer:

GetCapabilies Request:\tuto 

In the wms viewer 
there are two layers (one is the right layer, and one has the name of the
map. What's that!?!?!?


2nd problem:

in Mapbender I have the message: "msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): Invalid SRS given
: SRS must be valid for all requested layers.

I have 3 times an EPSG in my map-code:
	A. at Map/Web/Metadata -> EPSG:4326
	B. at Map/Prokection -> EPSG:31287
	C. at Map/Layer/Metadata -> EPSG:4326

ist this right???

With this A/B/C configuration I have no Error message in the OGC WMS Viewer
but in Mapbender.
If I make all to 31287, I have an error message in the OGC WMS Viewer.

can anybody help me please?!?

PS: The map and capability file is in the attachement.

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