4 million sounding data

Ken Tanaka Ken.Tanaka at NOAA.GOV
Wed Aug 10 10:54:00 PDT 2005

I would think that many points are too much to be of use to a user. How
* a filter to limit points to a more reasonable number by
space/time/attribute or measurement range
* a derived image showing data distribution
* a derived dataset that computes a useful summary (like an average)
that contains fewer points.


Jason FU wrote:

>I have 4 million sounding data to display in MapServer. I have not problem
>in uploading the data to both PostgreSQL 8.0.3 and Oracle 10g. But it seems
>that MapServer cannot afford to work with such an amount of data. When I
>turn on the sounding layer, the php mapscript simply times out. When I turn
>off the time-out threshold, it simply stops without any error. When I try to
>browse all other map works, they perform as usual. Then I lower the rowid to
>about 12,000 in Oracle, MapServer displays some some points after struggling
>for quite a while (about 15 minutes!).
>Any suggestion?

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