nearest feature

Miguel Gonçalves mgoncalves at DSI.UMINHO.PT
Thu Aug 11 02:22:02 PDT 2005


I am using MapServer in order to build a local-based context application.
I use a mapfile with several layers ansd I use a WFS request to get the 
geographical information  related to a given point.
Normally I use a request of this type:
                             TYPENAME={all the layers}&

My problem is when the point that I pass in the BBOX does not coincides 
geographically with any geographic feature in my map.
In those cases, is it possible, for each layer, to get the nearest feature?
You see what I mean? If I pass the point (x,y) in the BBOX and the 
nearest feature to (x,y), in a given  layer, is  located  in (a,b),
is there any type of interface that gives (a,b) as result?

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