No subject

Mike Reilly mikereilly2 at GMAIL.COM
Sun Aug 28 13:21:47 PDT 2005

When calling mapserver to create the map using a template html file,
you use a URL that contains the initial information in ot - namely the
path to the map file itself.  The mapfile contains the path to the
template file and all of the other information mapserver needs to
render the page.

Here's an example of a URL:

The file would contain a TEMPLATE line in the WEB section as
well as many other basic configuration options.

On 8/26/05, Podleski, Jeremiah <JPodleski at> wrote:
> Hello, 
> I'm totally new with MapServer and I'm ready to create the .map, "container"
> web page, and initialization html file, but I don't know where to put them
> or how to tell mapserver where to look for them. 
> Is there a special place that MapServer looks for these files? 
> Thanks, 
> jeremiah

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