legend image does not take into account transparency?

Bart van den Eijnden BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL
Tue Aug 30 10:30:25 PDT 2005

Hi Ken,

thanks for your response. I am using a Mapserver 4.7 version on win32 (CVS head version from a few weeks ago).

Did something break again :-) ?

Best regards,

Bart van den Eijnden
Syncera IT Solutions
Postbus 270
2600 AG  DELFT

tel.nr.: 015-7512436
email: BEN at Syncera-ITSolutions.nl
>>> Ken Lord <kenlord at gmail.com> 08/30/05 19:10 PM >>>
Hi Bart,
 I submitted the legend / transparancy issue as a bug some time ago ... and 
it was immediately fixed, If i remember correctly Sean Gilles had caught and 
fixed the problem just before my submission, making for a super fast turn 
 MapServer 4.4.1 had the issue, I believe 4.4.2 had the fix, 4.6 definately 
is fixed.
Ken Lord
Vancouver BC

 On 8/30/05, Bart van den Eijnden <BEN at syncera-itsolutions.nl> wrote: 
> Hi list,
> am I correct that the legend image does not incorporate the TRANSPARENCY 
> which is set on a LAYER, so that there is a discrepancy between MAP and 
> Or am I missing some kind of setting?
> Best regards,
> Bart
> Bart van den Eijnden
> Syncera IT Solutions
> Postbus 270
> 2600 AG DELFT
> tel.nr <http://tel.nr>.: 015-7512436
> email: BEN at Syncera-ITSolutions.nl

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