Best map editting tool...

Matthew Perry perrygeo at GMAIL.COM
Tue Aug 30 16:42:44 PDT 2005


On 8/30/05, Neil Hillard <mapserver at> wrote:
> I have a raster drawing of the site that I'd like to take and draw a 
> proper
> map on top of this and then lose the raster image. I'd need to create 
> roads
> and buildings.

I have found JUMP to be the best open vector editing tool available. There 
are lots of versions out there but I use the nightly snapshot of OpenJUMP ( Unfortunately it doesn't have great 
raster support but I usually set up my raster image as a WMS using mapserver 
then use JUMP's WMS connector to bring it in as a base map to digitize from. 

There are other desktop GIS applications like QGis, OpenEV (search Google 
for FWTools), or UDig which also edit vector data but not nearly as well. 
OpenEV is probably my second choice it's a bit clunky but powerful and has 
great raster support so you can cut out the step of setting up the WMS 

Hope this helps,
Matt Perry
perrygeo at
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