mapserver use of epsg

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Wed Aug 31 09:01:36 PDT 2005

You can also set this variable in the mapfile, with the MAP object's 
"CONFIG" parameter 


Piero Cavalieri wrote:
> On Win, I have env variable:
> PROJ_LIB  C:\proj\nad
> and proj is in C: (C:\proj\)
> P.
> Don Isgitt ha scritto:
>>I am trying to use the mapserver Flash Maps extension, and have managed to
> compile and link everything (I think.). But when running the demo, i get the
> following error:
>>msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no system list, errno: 2
>>which I assume is because it cannot find the projection data. I have
> proj-4.4.9.  Where does the epsg file belong?  The projection that the map
> file is asking for is in the epsg file. I wandered through  the mapserver
> reference manual, and several other documents, but could not find the
> answer. Just to try something, I put a copy in the directory with the map
> file, but no joy. Perhaps some environment variable?
>>Thank you for any help.

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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