HDF Mapping? [was: netCDF to color GEOTIFF]

Sage Lichtenwalner sage at MARINE.RUTGERS.EDU
Fri Dec 2 08:52:06 PST 2005

Andrea et al.,

This is an intriguing solution, and it raises the question: if you can plot raster data using netCDF
data files then can you also use HDF files in the same way?  Provided, of course, that GDAL is
compiled with HDF support.

I was hoping to try this out myself, but I spent all yesterday trying to compile HDF4 on Mac OS X
to no avail.  So my other question is, has anyone had any luck compiling HDF4?

Like many of you, I suspect, my ultimate goal is to be able to plot SST (and eventually Chl-a, etc.)
using MapServer, but I can't figure out the best way to approach the problem.  Any guidance
anyone might have would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a bunch,

Sage Lichtenwalner
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
71 Dudley Road, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 11:01:34 +0100, Andrea MARELLI <andrea.marelli at EXT.JRC.IT> wrote:

>Hi Alaric,
>I've spent 2 weeks trying to display maps from netcdf files and now, with
>Norman Barker's help, I can do it.
>You don't need to convert into GeoTiff, but you can open directly from
>Try to open the mapfile below with this URL:

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