Conferences and Seminars

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Mon Dec 5 08:56:43 PST 2005

see also - has links to MapServer 
conferences and user groups.


Daniel Morissette wrote:
> Chip Taylor wrote:
>> I am fairly new to GIS as is my company.  I am trying to budget ahead 
>> for 2006 and wondered if there are any good conferences or seminars 
>> for Open Source GIS and/or Mapserver in the US or Canada.  I have only 
>> been able to locate information concerning ones past on the Internet.  
>> Dates/Locations would be very helpful.
> The 4th MapServer Users Meeting is the main event in 2006 for MapServer 
> and will take place in Lausanne, Switzerland in September 2006 
> ( I'm not aware of any other major 
> MapServer-related conference in 2006, but depending on where you are 
> located, there may be local groups that will meet less formally a few 
> times in the year, I know of the Ottawa MapServer Users Group 
> (, I believe there is a group in BC as 
> well, and there must be a few others in the US as well.
> Daniel

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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