R éf. : Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] [Image] world map

Aniruddha S. Khadkikar as.khadkikar at NCL.RES.IN
Mon Dec 5 20:26:06 PST 2005

Hi Benjamin,
You are welcome. Also check out the UNEP link sent earlier by Laurent 
Jégou. I found quite a few shapefiles that I did not have. Thanks Laurent.
You can download the SRTM data for Europe and render it using Microdem 
or any other software and export it as a Geotiff to use as a backdrop. 
This is essentially a DEM. The link is:
Else if you want satellite data, free, you may like to have a look at:
The above data is in mrsid format. you can export it as jpeg. But you 
will have to geocode it perhaps for your projection. If you are using 
UTM zones, then you may need to have your other shapefiles which may be 
in WGS84 projection reprojected.


Benjamin Galois wrote:
> Thank you, Aniruddha.
> And thanks to all the contributors who came to my aid.
> The http://www.diva-gis.org/Data.htm provides exactly the shapefile I need.
> Do you know where to find GeoTiff or JPG / JGW files ?
> -- 
> Benjamin
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