The new MapServer website
Gustavo Henrique Sberze Ribas
gribas at CPQD.COM.BR
Tue Dec 6 11:01:46 PST 2005
> - What things do you know of that are missing in the new site?
> - What topics aren't covered thoroughly enough?
I really miss information about ImageMaps and Mapserver.
I know it's not part of a standard but it can be a powerful
tool when used together with javascript, like wz_tooltip for
> -----Original Message-----
> From: UMN MapServer Users List
> Behalf Of Howard Butler
> Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 1:19 PM
> Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] The new MapServer website
> Folks,
> This is a heads-up to let you know that the Plone site
> <> will be come *the* MapServer website once
> MapServer 4.8 is released in a couple of weeks (it will be pointed at
> <>). The "blue" site will remain on the
> web at <> indefinitely to continue to
> provide documentation for older releases of the software.
> We need your help. As we have be moving the content over to the new
> site, we have also taken the opportunity to add more functionality
> and documentation that wasn't available in the old site. Some things
> may have been missed (good/useful bits in the wiki, stuff buried deep
> in the old site).
> - What "tidbit"-like documents need to be added? For example,
> Stephen Woodbridge notified me that we need an FAQ or definition of
> map scale and what that concept means in MapServer. What other
> concepts like that need coverage?
> - Have you noticed any formatting bugs on the new website?
> - Do you find the new organization logical and easy to use?
> - Does the search mechanism work well for you?
> - Have you tried the RSS feeds or PDF download features? Are
> they useful?
> - Which documents are in the wrong place?
> - Have you tried submitting a document? What works, what doesn't,
> and what essential parts of that process need to be documented?
> - Any other issues that you've noticed?
> We, the members of the documentation team, have been working really
> hard to make a website that makes things easy to find, allows anyone
> to contribute information, and has most everything you need. We're
> on the final stretch, and we need your input to put some polish on it.
> Thanks,
> Howard
> PS. I'd also like to throw a shout out to those who have worked so
> hard to make this happen. Jeff McKenna. Perry Nacionales. Kari
> Geurts. Tom Burk. Frank Warmerdam. Sean Gillies. Trent Erikson.
> Steve Lime. Didrik Pinte. David Fawcett. The rest of the
> MapServer-DOCS team. Anyone else that I missed.
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