Possibility check

Jørn Vegard Røsnes jorn at SPACETEC.NO
Mon Dec 12 01:35:29 PST 2005


I'm open for suggestions, but to be more spesific and give some examples:

On Friday 09 December 2005 18:50, Steve Lime wrote:
> Hi Joern: A little more information would help.
>   3.1 What do you mean by visualize?
For example with different colors. If there are:
0 satellite images covering the point/area: no color
1-3 images: green
4-8 images: yellow
8-more images: red

>   3.2 What do you mean by extract?
Satellite images that are covering land (partly or fully) are not shown in 
3.1. This is maybe a database design/query issue.


> >>> Jørn Vegard Røsnes <jorn at SPACETEC.NO> 12/09/05 2:31 AM >>>
> Hi all,
> I've done some basic WMS client and shapefile (converted from CSV files)
> integrations with MapServer, but I will soon try to do some more advanced
> integrations, this includes the following steps/content:
> 1. CSV files with metadata (time and area) from a satellite images
> catalogue 2. Convert this to PostGIS SQL with a shell/Perl script and
> insert into PostGIS DB
> 3. Use MapServer and SQL statements to:
>  3.1 visualize statistics for the satellite images, typical
> frequency/number of images for a given timeperiod and area
>  3.2 extract images that are (full and/or partly) covering  land
> Especially for 3.1 and 3.2, could some expert users give advice/possibility
> check, please?
> Best Regards
> Joern Vegard Roesnes
> www.spacetec.no

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