Mapscript getExtent() for postGIS Layer returns strange result

Michael Schulz mschulz at WEBGIS.DE
Tue Dec 13 05:33:30 PST 2005


i have a similar problem here (not mapscript, but mapserver as wms 
server), on different servers, running mapserver 4.6.1, PG 8.0.3 / 
Postgis: the getCapabilities xml shows strange extents of postgres 
layers (in latlon and other srs), far beyond the correct extent. Same 
behaviour: examining the extent on the db gives corrects results.

For now i used the extents from the db in the wms_extent parameter.

Cheers, Michael

Christian wolf schrieb:
> Hi again.
> Searching the list/web I couldn't find anything related, so here it goes:
> Using MapServer/Script 46 and PostgreSQL 8.0 and current PostGIS version, I
> get as a result from getExtent()
> -25000000,-25000000 25000000,25000000
> wich is kinda not the extent of my layer. Neither in the data nor in the
> EXTENT definition of the Mapfile. shooting an 'exetent(wkb_geometry)'
> directly returns the correct data.
> Can anyone confirm this? Or did I mess something up?

Michael Schulz                            mschulz at

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