Generating images only

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Fri Dec 16 14:35:44 PST 2005

And mode=map. Actually any map component can be gotten through the CGI using a specific mode.
For maps you'd just want something like:

Of course you can alter where, what and even how things are displayed with additional parameters.


>>> Bob Basques <bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US> 12/16/05 3:55 PM >>>
Brian Peschel wrote:

>I have an application that needs to display a map image.  I was thinking of
>using MapServer to generate that image for me.  I have worked through the
>O'Reilly book and most of the tutorial and I stumbled across a question
>which I am sure is answered somewhere, but I didn't find it searching
>through the online documentation at 
>1) Is there a way to generate just the image?  I don't want all the
>surrounding web page (ie the global.html file) just the image.  My
>appliction will handle all the zooming, hull size, etc.  Is there a
>parameter to the CGI to say just generate the image and not the HTML?  I am
>dealing with an applet and would like to skip the step of reading the HTML
>to get the image info and make a second request for the image.
Look into using the CGI version of the MapServer.


>2) Is there documentation for the various *Script interfaces?  I have some
>interest in using MapServer inside a C++ application, again, just to
>generate the images displayed.
>Thanks in advance.

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