temporal queries via WFS

Yewondwossen Assefa assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Tue Dec 20 11:00:25 PST 2005


 This end up to be setting the expression as It was a litteral 
expression instead of setting it using the back tics that indicates to 
mapserver to do time comparing (`[time_field]` ge `2004-10-12`). There 
is no detection right now to see if the filer parameters are time values 
or not. Not even sure how we should detect it. If we can find a way or 
logic to indicate that the value is a time, setting the filter is pretty 

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote:

>I'd like to do a GetFeature request, something like:
>The result should bring back two results (i.e. more recent than 2002), but returned are all the records.  The data is configured for WMS Time support.
>Is it possible to do temporal slices in MapServer WFS in this fashion?

Assefa Yewondwossen           
Software Analyst   

Email: assefa at dmsolutions.ca    

Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
Fax:   (613) 565-0925

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