Shapefile to Mapfile

F Baltazar fbfilter329 at OPTONLINE.NET
Wed Dec 21 04:44:20 PST 2005

----- Original Message -----
From: Apeksha Bhambhani <beproject06 at YAHOO.COM>
Date: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 3:07 pm
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Shapefile to Mapfile

> If i have a shapefile , how do i convert it  into an appropriate 
> mapfile ? How will i know which layer corresponds  to which .shp 
> file ? 
>  Plz help
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I found it helpful, after reading the documentation, to have another program like Quantum GIS use my shape files, render it, arrange the layers, etc. and then generate a map file for me as a guide. I say guide because when I used it a many months ago it did not generate a 100% correct mapfile (e.g. colors were off), but the general flavor for how to relate the shapefile and its contents to the map file is there. 



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