MapXtreme to MapServer

Mike Saunt mikesaunt at GMAIL.COM
Wed Dec 21 13:07:43 PST 2005

Hi Richard

I've done exactly this and I must say that MapServer is both easier to setup
and maintain but also faster to execute and also does not the other
overheads (constant memory usage, number of user
limitations etc) that MapXtreme has.

We have built an interface layer that can talk to either engine.  As a
preference we use teh CGI version of MapServer as it is very stable.

Are you on MapXtreme 2004 or MapXtreme 3.0?

How big an application is it?  If you have any details I could send you over
code that would get you started...


On 21/12/05, Alger, Richard @ Tempe <Richard.Alger at> wrote:
>  We are considering migrating from MapXtreme to MapServer.  We use ASP.NETon an IIS server to access the MapXtreme API.
> Would you direct me to resources, examples of this kind of migration and
> any other resources?
> Thank You,
> Rich Alger
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